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Badlands National Park

Badlands National Park

While I was doing a land cover survey for NLCD working for the USFWS, I went through the Badlands National Park a couple times in South Dakota. It had just rained and the soil was still just damp enough for the colors to really pop out.

It’s a really beautiful area. I can’t wait to get back there.

Taken with: Canon 30D

Badlands Buttes, South Dakota

Badlands Buttes, South Dakota

While I was doing a land cover survey for NLCD working for the USFWS, I went through the Badlands National Park a couple times in South Dakota. It had just rained and the soil was still just damp enough for the colors to really pop out.

Badlands National Park, South Dakota

Badlands National Park, South Dakota

While I was doing a land cover survey for NLCD working for the USFWS, I went through the Badlands National Park a couple times in South Dakota. It had just rained and the soil was still just damp enough for the colors to really pop out.

Green River Basin Canyonlands National Park, Utah

Green River Basin Canyonlands National Park, Utah

This image is probably shot a thousand times a day. The shot is taken right off of a lookout point. It’s such an amazing display of the canyon. Almost like a mini Grand Canyon. There are lots of trails around canyonlands for off road vehicle travel. Someday I hope to get back there with a capable vehicle and get some really good pictures.